The website has become an inevitable part of a business initiative. Everyone is in a rush to create a heavy traffic to the site. High traffic can be explained as the requirement of a very large number of requests, simultaneously from the users. A lot of opportunities are available today to convert high traffic into revenue. But without proper preparations, the much wanted high traffic can become a misery. Examples for high traffic websites include popular e-commerce sites, social media sites, etc. Here are some of the techniques to efficiently manage server performance and the overall web traffic.

Methods to manage server performance during high traffic

1. Using a dedicated server: Rather than using a shared hosting plan, go for a dedicated server or a hosting plan where your website with a heavy traffic has a server of its own. Sites on shared servers may load slowly at times, but the factor that they are the cheapest option has to be considered. But, dedicated servers are preferred to shared ones for high traffic sites to enhance the freedom and functionality. Check the following to choose the best host for your site:

  • Capability to handle the highest number of visitors.
  • Ability to deliver a superior uptime.
  • Average loading speed of a page.
  • Sufficient bandwidth and RAM.

2. Using a CDN: Content Delivery Network (CDN) is simply a system of distributed servers spread throughout the world across multiple data centers for the optimization of content delivery to local visitors. It assures a faster delivery to the visitor by caching files from the multiple servers and delivering them from the closest location of the user, thus avoiding maximum time lag. Opt for a CDN with servers present in the area from which most of your traffic comes from. Shunting each and every static file with CDM enhances its capabilities.

Content Delivery Network

3. Go for a cloud server hosting: As a business cannot flourish with a site and the driven traffic in this digital era, efficient management has become critical. Cloud server hosting helps you significantly to manage the traffic. Highly secured online transactions, connectivity, and control are the key features of a cloud server hosting.

Load balancing is one of the relevant benefits of this method. Heavy traffic management is performed efficiently by appropriate distribution of workloads among multiple servers arranged sequentially with the help of load balancing feature. It also enhances the resource availability. Websites that use this approach can easily be scaled as well. Scaling is the availability of more resources when there is an unexpected rise in the traffic and can be scaled down when the traffic is low, and hence manage server performance.

manage server performance

4. Web server caching: Caching the web server increases the access to web pages and eases the network traffic. Caching stores the popular web pages or the most commonly visited web pages locally so that they can be accessed easily. Cache collects all the separate requests from users for a single web page and a single request is sent as their proxy to the original site. As soon as the cache receives its content copy, it duplicates the copy and passes it on to the requesting users. Web server caching also helps in web routing. Improvement of web routing can definitely improve and manage server performance of the site.

5. Using network traffic control method: This is expected to result in the best performance of high traffic sites in future by suppressing a large number of visitors in the communication lines. The techniques employed for the result include altering the configuration of network facilities like switches and routers.

Following a smart approach to the maintenance of a high traffic website certainly cuts down the load from a huge number of visitors, and therefore manage server performance. A peak performance of your site is assured as well. These important points have to be considered while creating or updating your web presence, with heavy traffic for the best outcomes with an easy user experience.

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